When a person goes through their first auto accident, they may not know what to expect. Auto insurance is supposed to cover the cost of getting back to normal, but the process is a mystery to some. Drivers who contact their own insurers make first-party claims, and those who call the other motorist’s insurer make third-party claims. Regardless of which insurer a victim calls, these companies have certain ways of responding to an insurance claim.
Paying for Repairs
Most auto accidents result in vehicle damage, and the driver may need multiple repair estimates. The insurer may agree with the estimated price, or they may negotiate before paying the claim. A victim may need a lawyer’s help during the negotiation process, to ensure that the vehicle is fixed with reliable parts.
Pay for the Totaled Vehicle
Some accidents cause damage that exceeds the car’s value, and the vehicle is considered totaled. If a driver has full coverage, the insurer will pay the market value of the car minus a deductible. While this offers reimbursement in the technical sense, it may be insufficient to pay an auto loan and buy another car. Again, a lawyer can help a client negotiate for a fairer settlement amount.
Paying Replacement Value
Some drivers have new vehicles or gap coverage that pay more than the vehicle’s market value. Policies often list a specific amount, such as the cost of buying a similar new car or paying off the auto loan. Here, a Truck Accident Lawyer in Live Oak FL can help a client prove the car is worth more than the insurance company’s estimate.
Partial or Complete Claim Denial
Insurance companies deny claims for a variety of reasons. If a person makes a third-party insurance claim, the insurer may dispute fault. In such a situation, the victim needs an attorney to help them prove the other driver’s fault and appeal the denial. A client’s insurer may partially deny a claim, which means they dispute the claim’s value. Here, an attorney may be able to help a client provide evidence of a claim’s real value.
No Response
Insurers are obligated to respond to first-party claims, but the other motorist’s insurer is under no such obligation. However, third-party insurers should respond to claims in good faith. If the at-fault driver’s insurance company fails to do so, the victim may need to call a Truck Accident Lawyer in Live Oak FL with Northfloridaautoaccidentlawyer.com.
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