What Can Be Learned from a Personal Injury Attorney in Oro Valley?

by | May 29, 2017 | Personal Injury

Personal injury is one of the broadest areas of civil law and it encompasses a wide array of injury types, including physical, mental, emotional, and financial issues. The most common type of personal injury is physical in nature and often results from car accidents, assault, dog bites, and slip and falls. When a person has become the victim of a personal injury, it is wise for them to explore their legal options with a personal injury attorney in Oro Valley.

When victims meet with the personal injury attorney in Oro Valley, they will begin to discuss the details of their claim. The client will need to make sure they share vital information and all of the evidence they have available. Providing the attorney with as much information as possible is the most important responsibility of the client, since this allows the attorney to begin the process of gathering evidence and ensuring they have what is needed to pursue a settlement.

After the attorney has conducted their own investigation, they will meet with the client and give them information on their legal options. They will also provide the client with an estimate of how much their claim is worth. As they begin to work with the insurance company, they will negotiate on behalf of the client and work to get a fair outcome. Fair settlement offers are generally easier to achieve when an attorney is involved because the insurance company does not want to have to go to court.

In the state of Arizona, injured victims of car accidents have the right to pursue a lawsuit, but they must do so within two years of the date of their accident. Failure to do so can result in a person being unable to pursue their claim.

It is imperative that a victim fully listens to all of the advice they are given by their attorney. They will guide the client through each step and work in their client’s best interest at all times. Injured victims can find help when they contact Price and Price Law Office. They will be happy to help victims receive the fair settlement offer they are entitled to.

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