The Medical Nursing Home Checklist, Recommended by a Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Lawyers

According to an experienced nursing home neglect lawyer near Newark, the elderly residents of nursing homes are neglected and abused far more frequently than most people realize. When family members find it necessary to select a nursing home for their loved one, it’s necessary to look beyond the plush lobby and manicured grounds.

The Statistics Are Alarming

According to the National Center on Elder Abuse:

* 95% of nursing home residents report that they have experienced neglect themselves or know someone who has.

* 44% of nursing home residents report that they were abused.

The Nursing Home Medical Checklist

Prepare a checklist and bring a blank one to each home visited, asking to see more than the public areas. Visit a few residents’ rooms. If possible, walk around without an official guide.

* Is the home Medicare and/or Medicaid Certified?

* How are residents’ needs evaluated?

* How is it determined whether confusion is caused by medication or dementia?

* If abuse is reported, what is the procedure?

* Ask for a copy of the most recent state inspection report.

Since a nursing home supplies most of the medical care to residents, evaluate their expertise.

* What if the family doesn’t agree with the care that is being given?

* Ask to join the residents for a meal.

* Do all rooms have water pitchers and glasses?

* How quickly does the staff respond to complaints?

* What services are available on site, such as physical therapy and wound care?

* Who cuts toenails and fingernails or performs dental care?

* Are physical or chemical restraints used? Is the family involved in the decision?

* How are emergencies handled?

* What is the medications policy?

* Who are the staff physician and nursing director?

* How many certified nursing assistants and aides are on duty during each shift?

This medical checklist is just the tip of the iceberg on information needed when choosing a nursing home. Also evaluate daily activities, nutrition, services available such as a beauty shop, the appearance and behaviour of other residents, patient rooms, distance from a hospital, safety provisions and emergency procedures.

Before a resident is admitted, a legal contract must be signed that guarantees payment. Who is obligated to pay? This contract should be reviewed by an attorney before being signed.

If you suspect abuse or neglect of your loved one, contact Kreizer Law. Visit for more information!

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