The Importance of a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Milledgeville, GA

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Lawyers

It’s important to have an attorney when a job injury happens. There are specific rules that must be followed to have a claim accepted, which is why a workers’ compensation attorney in Milledgeville, GA files important documents for clients. Remember, the job and insurance company try to save money by denying claims.

Report the Injury Right Away

Any delay in reporting a job injury works to the insurance company’s benefit. For instance, the adjuster can say the injury happened elsewhere if the worker waits a day to report. Moreover, the report should be made to a supervisor or HR personnel. It’s not good enough to tell a co-worker about the accident.

The report should be detailed. If there was a fall, tell how the fall occurred. For instance, did the worker slip or trip over something? All injured body parts should be included in the report. If there’s a knee injury, specify whether it’s the left or right knee. The report should be in writing and the claimant should get a copy.

Don’t Delay Medical Treatment

Companies are required to have a panel of physicians posted. The worker must choose one of these doctors for treatment. In addition, the insurer must pay for all injury-related medical treatment, testing and prescriptions. Furthermore, income benefits should start about 21 days after the injury. Workers get a weekly check which is roughly 2/3 of the weekly wage. Medical treatment is important because any settlement will be based on the severity of the injury.

Receiving a Settlement

The law does not require insurance companies to settle cases in Georgia. However, the workers’ compensation attorney in Milledgeville, GA works with the insurer to reach a settlement. Basically, the insurer wants to close the case. Likewise, the client wants to move on with life. Settlements are based on whether an injury is permanent and whether the client needs future medical treatment.

Don’t worry about paying the attorney. Attorneys only get paid if the client does. In fact, clients must sign a contract with the attorney. The contract contains the language that the attorney receives 25 percent of a settlement. This contract must be approved by the state. For more information, visit

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