Should You Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney?

by | Dec 26, 2017 | Attorneys

Whether or not you will need to hire a worker’s compensation attorney depends on many factors. If the injuries you received while at work are minor, you do not expect to lose more than a day or two of work, and you have no reason to believe that your injuries will worsen; you may not need an attorney to assist with your claim.

However, you do need a workers compensation attorney in Fountain Valley if your injuries are severe, and you do not think you will ever recover to the point where you are what you were before the injury. There also may be times when you are incapable of doing your former job, or you can never return to gainful employment.

You have the right to hire an attorney:

Regardless of the circumstances, you have the right to hire an attorney to guide and assist you with your claim.

If your injuries are bad enough that it permanently changes your life, or your ability to perform as you once did, a knowledgeable attorney can help you get the medical care and worker’s compensation benefits you deserve and are entitled to.

If you are embroiled in a dispute with your employer’s insurance company, you must have an attorney; the insurance company most certainly will be represented. A worker’s compensation dispute can become very complicated and take a considerable amount of resources and time. Without a seasoned worker’s compensation attorney, you will be at a serious disadvantage in any negotiations that take place.

Your attorney:

A worker’s compensation attorney in Fountain Valley will be happy to provide you with an opportunity to discuss your case at no initial charge. If the attorney agrees that you need legal assistance, he or she will typically take your case on a contingency fee basis. You will have little or no costs during the legal process; your attorney is paid from the benefits you are awarded at the conclusion of the action.

If you were seriously injured at work and your claim for benefits was denied or you are not receiving what you think you should, consider hiring a worker’s compensation attorney in Fountain Valley. For a no-obligation case evaluation, contact The Law Offices of Norman J. Homen.

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