Putting a Personal Injury Lawyer in Newark, NJ on Immediate Retainer

by | Sep 24, 2024 | Law Firm

When you get injured while out in public or at a friend’s house, you have legal recourse available to you. You have the right to file a claim against the property owner’s insurer and collect damage for your accident-related costs. You can pursue that compensation when you hire counsel like a personal injury lawyer in Newark, NJ.

Placing a Value on Your Injury

The personal injury laws in your state may assign a specific value to your injury. This value can cover most or all of your medical expenses, as well as costs like your lost income. Your lawyer can file a claim against the insurer for that amount on your behalf.

Filing a Lawsuit

The property owner may dispute any liability in the accident. They may try to say you were at fault and therefore not eligible for any insurance information. Your attorney can file a lawsuit that will take the matter to court for a judge or jury to decide.

Taking a Settlement

The prospect of a lawsuit can compel the responsible property owner to offer up any insurance information and also offer a settlement to you. Your legal team can negotiate a fair settlement that will cover your medical costs, lost income and other expenses.

You can find out more about retaining a personal injury lawyer in Newark, NJ online. To set up a meeting, you can reach out to Maduabum Law Firm LLC at Maduabumlaw.com.

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