If your worker’s compensation claim was denied, then you need Chicago workers compensation lawyers. We handle these types of cases on a daily basis. There are many reasons why your claim might have been denied, and we give your situation serious consideration and let you know if we can take on your case and represent you in negotiations, appeals or court.
Worker’s compensation claims are often outright denied by employers as a matter of course. They may not want to make it easy for you to collect the worker’s compensation that you deserve for getting hurt while doing your job. Your eligibility for worker’s compensation is based on your employment status and the type of employer that you have. By giving us all of the details of your situation, we can help you determine if your claim should have been accepted or if you have grounds for an appeal.
The appeals process of a worker’s compensation claim could take a long time if you tried to navigate it by yourself. A lot of paperwork and research may be involved. Our attorneys offer information about the law. We do the research and as much of the paperwork as we can. When possible, we negotiate and represent you to the best of our abilities. When you qualify for worker’s compensation based on your employer’s size and your job status, we work hard on your behalf.
We take the time to listen to you and give you accurate information about your rights under worker’s compensation laws. When you need Chicago workers compensation lawyers, contact us at Shea Law Group. We offer daily appointment times to listen to your situation and let you know if we can be of assistance. You can also learn more about our attorneys and legal services online at http://www.SheaLawGroup.com. Like us on our facebook page.